Racket and Gerbil are the most interesting Schemes (enough batteries to be productive.) Clojure is the most elegant (amazing primitives) but hate the JVM/want static binaries, so I oscillate between Racket and Common Lisp.
If you could make small, fast static binaries in Clojure, it’d be my only language. Others prefer hosted languages like it: Fennel (Lisp in Lua), Joker (Lisp in Go) etc. Babashka tries to solve it, but it’s not enough. Ciel does the same for Common Lisp.
Reference works:
- Scheme Programming Language - Dybvig
- Common Lisp Nova Spec is better than the HyperSpec
- https://docs.racket-lang.org
Seminal articles:
Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine - McCarthy 1960 - introduces Lisp
An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory - Church 1935 - presents lambda calculus. With binary IO it becomes an untyped programming language
Roots of Lisp - Graham
Lisp as the Maxwell’s Equations of Software - Michael Nielsen
Lambda Papers - Steele & Sussman - which developed Scheme
Implementation of Functional Languages Using Custom Hardware and an unrelated talk: https://youtu.be/Z35Tt87pIpg?si=3zvn7DwgQmE8-tk7&t=3031, the Reduceron and uLisp
What Gödel Discovered - Parunashvili - explains Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem with Lispy math
Lisp is not Lambda Calculus - Szmulewicz
Lisp offers many paradigms:
- Type Driven Development - Common Lisp with Coalton, Racket’s higher order dependent contracts
- constraint and logic programming -Logic and Computation Intertwined, Little Prover, Little Typer
- Language Driven Development - Beautiful Racket
- Symbolic AI - PAIP, Reasoned Schemer
- Probabilistic Neural Networks - Little Learner
LispE, Lambda Way, Sybilant are fascinating!
- http://practical-scheme.net/ - aggregates material for production scheme
- Herbert Stoyan - Early Lisp History: 1956-1959
LISP is understood as the model of a functional programming language today. There are people who believe that there once was a clean “pure” language design in the functional direction which was comprised by AI-programmers in search of efficiency. This view does not take into account, that around the end of the fifties, nobody, including McCarthy himself, seriously based his programming on the concept of mathematical function. It is quite certain that McCarthy for a long time associated programming with the design of stepwise executed “algorithms”. - Herbert Stoyan
On the other side, it was McCarthy who, as the first, seemed to have developed the idea of using funtional terms (in the form of “function calls” or “subroutine calls”) for every partial step of a program. This idea emerged more as a stylistic decision, proved to be sound and became the basis for a proper way of programming - functional progamming (or, as I prefer to call it, function-oriented programming). We should mention here that McCarthy at the same time conceived the idea of logic-oriented programming, that is, the idea of using logical formulae to express goals that a program should try to establish and of using the prover as programming language interpreter. To come back to functional programming, it is an important fact that McCarthy as mathematician was familiar with some formal mathematical languages but did not have a deep, intimate understanding of all their details. McCarthy himself has stressed this fact (23). His aim was to use the mathematical formalismus as languages and not as calculi. This is the root of the historical fact that he never took the Lambda-Calculus conversion rules as a sound basis for LISP implementation. We have to bear this in mind if we follow now the sequence of events that led to LISP. It is due to McCarthy’s work that functional programming is a usable way of programming today. The main practice of this programming style, done with LISP, still shows his personal mark. - Herbert Stoyan