Archaic Conjugations
- All verbs would take -en with I: I ären, I voren, I haden varit, I skolen vara, I måsten, I tror
- In the present, plurals are like the infinitive, except vi äro: vi hafva
- In the past, weak verbs had one form, while strong plurals would take -o, some with a different stem vowel (det fanns, de funnos) shared by the subjunctive.
- 1st. pl. imperative with -om: låtom oss tro
- 2nd pl. imperative with n: tron
- vara form perfect past with intransitive verbs: jag är uppstigen
- present subjunctive replaces infinitive’s a with -e (if not -a, same as infinitive)
- past subjunctive only exists with strong verbs, adding -e (to plural past stem)
Note verbs themselves were often spelled differently: hafva, blifva, skrifva etc.
- skall has vi skola, i skolen
- Lär in the present: han lära vara he is said to be
- Må for subjunctive: det må du icke göra you mustn’t do this
- Månne/månde: Hvad månde det betyda? What might this mean?
Fossilized Cases
The genitives complicate word building, as words can’t be compounded willy-nilly.
Genitive singular:
- hos prästens - at the minister’s
- hos grannas - at the neighbor’s
- till lands - by and
- till fots - by foot
- till sjös, havs - by/at sea
- till sängs - to bed
- till skogs - to the forest
- tills mans - everyone
- ättartal - genealogy
- giftermål - marriage
- varubyte - barter
- läroverk - school
- till spillo - to ruin
Also consider the time construction e.g. i middags, i söndags, dagsens, lifsens, riksens.
Latin/Greek genitives: Kristi, Jesu, Messie, Anne, Marie, musei, kollegii.
Genitive plural:
- herravälde - power/dominion
- mannamod - manly courage
- konungaval - election of kings
- kola mörkret - pitch dark
- till handa - at hand
- tillbaka, till rygga - back
- till hopa - together
- bringa till väga - bring about
Dative singular:
- å sido - aside
- i ty fall, i så målto - in such case(s)
- i förmågo av - by the power/virtue of
- i min ägo - in my possession
- i delo med - in disagreement with
- meds Guds nåde - by the grace of God
- för visso - surely
- på färde - going on
- gå man ur huse - take to the streets
- gammal i gårde
- skämt åsido - jokes aside
- vara av godo/ondo - be good/evil
- se i syne - have visions
- på sistone - lately
- i allt i allo
- famla i blindo
- i huru
- varg i veum
Dative plural:
- i handom - in hand
- i löndom - in secret
- lagom - just right
- i sinom tid - in due time
- stundom - once in a while/sometimes
- tusen sinom tusen - thousands upon thousands
- allom bekant
- androm till skräck och varnagel
- i andanom
- i rättan tid - at the right time
- skrita i högan sky - scream loudly
- i ljusan låga
- i godan ro
- ana argan list